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ACT 2604
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06/10/16 - Exit Planning
In business management guru, Stephen Covey’s, best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, beginning with the end in mind was a top habit of his. This got me thinking. Why is it that so many business owners don’t have a clear picture of what they want their business to look like when it’s ‘done’?
View Article06/10/16 - Financial Performance
Traditionally thought of as a lender of last resort, debtor finance companies should not be overlooked as a source of funding for growing businesses, provided the business is profitable.
View Article12/10/16 - Growth
As business owners we all want to create a growing and thriving business. However the reality is that some of us manage to achieve…
View Article06/10/16 - Financial Performance, Growth, Innovation
The Federal Government has indicated that they are very keen to support innovative businesses. There are a number of funding options available by way of government grants for businesses that can meet the Government qualification requirements.
View Article06/10/16 - Financial Performance
I was recently asked by a client whether they were holding too much cash in the business. My answer was – it depends. It depends on a number of things as well as the reasons for the cash build up. There are economic, commercial, financial and structural issues to be considered.
View Article06/10/16 - Financial Performance
I'm often asked by business clients whether a certain dollar profit is good. My answer is always the same - it depends. The fact is, no one can tell you whether a specific dollar profit figure in isolation is a good result or not. It's just like asking someone whether the $1,000 in interest you received from the bank is a good return. You can't answer the question until you know how much they had invested in the bank - and so too it is with a business. I use three main ratios in which to assess the financial performance of a business.
View Article06/10/16 - Growth, Innovation
Why is it that some businesses seem to be able to constantly reinvent themselves while others get left behind? Read about what characteristics can make a business more or less able to adapt to change.
View Article06/10/16 - Financial Performance, Growth
The recent collapse of the Dick Smith chain highlights the fact that no business is immune from potential catastrophe. But it begs the obvious question – how can a company as big as this and turning over $1.3 billion – a listed company – fail? No doubt we'll hear more in the months ahead as the receivers get to work. However, the lessons are the same for every business - from the corner store, to family businesses, to listed companies.
View Article06/10/16 - Financial Performance
We've all heard the saying before: Cash Is King! But what does it mean and why is it so important? Cash is essentially the blood that pumps through the veins of a business and keeps it alive. In most businesses, both small and large, problems occur when their cash flows are managed poorly and cause both owners and their employees' significant stress. So in these more uncertain economic times, how does a business manage its cash flow to ensure its continued success?
View Article06/10/16 - Financial Performance
A new year is traditionally seen as a time to set new ambitions and make resolutions for change. I therefore thought it might be useful to provide my top tips for good financial health in a business.
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